Bozeman Bound

bozemanSo, the day has finally arrived!  Connor and I are making the road trip out to Bozeman to get him settled into college.  I’m excited and sad at the same time.  His life in crazy town has flown by, and he is ready for his next big adventure.  It hardly seems possible that I have a child in college, when it was only yesterday that I was in the same position…wondering what life was going to look like, on my own.  It has been full and fun, and never in a million years could I have predicted the road I did travel.  The best advice?  Only plan so much and let the road take you where your heart and passion lead you.  Walk with integrity, truth and a commitment to become the best you, and with God’s help you can never be defeated…unless you try to do it all on your own.  Pray for our safe trip and may it be fun and adventurous!

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