Through the Eyes of Grace

eyes of graceThese days, I write what comes to me in prayer, what moves me in the face of what is happening in the world…even if, to some, it appears that I think I know more than I do.  Really, I don’t.  And yet in the same breath…I do know a lot of things, as do many of the people I come in contact with every day.  I try to learn from people and things that cross my path…  Some times the lesson come easily, and sometimes the lesson begins to fester against my strong will, and when I’m ready, I finally understand.  But when my brain simply can’t make heads or tails of  what a lesson means and I feel blind to the answer, I simply surrender.  I let go not because I’ve given up, on the contrary, it is because I also know that I am guarded by the spirit of grace, a wisdom that my mind can never fully comprehend in my human form…a grace that ultimately saves me every single time I accept my limitations and am unable to see a truth.  Jesus blessed those that weren’t able to see and yet still believed, which I would respectfully say means all of us, even the wisest and holiest.  I accept that with grace I am more than what I can see with my eyes, just as anyone who embraces this free gift can be.   When I look through eyes of grace, all my cracks and fissures are filled in, I am so much more than what I see physically.   Am I just being delusional?…what then, is the point of grace?  Is it just a free ticket to heaven?  Jesus said the Kingdom of God is within, and that we too could do all that he did.  Is it all just folly?  Perhaps, except I am so much better a person when I try to see my imperfections filled in by that divine gift.  Grace will never make me better if I don’t allow it to fill me up.   But the prerequisite is to see ourselves as broken as we truly are first.  Seeing through the eyes of grace demands that we walk differently in the world, even if we may look physically the same as everyone else, our actions should prove to the world that we are so much more.  How well have we done in 2000 years?  That is the challenge of this generation.  Today I pray we all see ourselves and each other through the eyes of grace.

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